Search Results for: freedom speech

Jack Balkin, Yale Law School:"I liked Bush's second inaugural address, which argued for the cause of freedom around the world, very much. I also liked his first inaugural address, which sounded very moderate, spoke of justice, tolerance, and aid to...


English comedian Rowan Atkinson, famed for his starring role in Blackadder and other UK comedy series, lashed out Monday evening against a proposed UK law to ban the incitement of religious hatred. Speaking at a meeting in Westminster Hall...


The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed Freedom of Information Act requests with the FBI seeking information on why the agency task forces set up to combat terrorism also looked into animal rights, environmental, and anti-war groups. The...


Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights (FAIR), et al. v. Rumsfeld, et al., US Court of Appeals for the Third Citcuit, November 29, 2004 [issuing an injunction against the enforcement of the Solomon Amendment that requires the US Department of...


US District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania; Judge Jan E. DuBois, September 10, 2004 [ruling that a Pennsylvania law requiring Internet service providers to block websites with child pornography on them is unconstitutional because of its effect on...